Sunday, January 22, 2012

at long last

The Hall's are back and ready to post (finally)
Here are the pics that I kept telling myself I didn't have the time to download and post


She did it! Kirst graduated from 6th grade. Can we say Honor Roll?!!!
Woo Hoo!

Jim's incredible Garden
we got lots of salsa and tomato sauce from it.
It is my favorite thing about summer

We took a trip to St George this summer
(I know, I know who goes to St. George in August? The Hall's do. It was educational... I really wanted the kids to have a frame of reference for what hell was really like)

We hiked "The Crack"

Weekend with the Hall cousins-best weekend ever!

Trip to the Dinosaur Museum

Lilly and Soph are BFF's-reading (while I get ready in the morning)

They often end up in bed together

Lilly's fabulous Dora cake for her 4th birthday (yes, way back in may of 2011)
Aunt Caralee made it and Lilly LOVED it!

Pre-school Orientation for Lilly
Her teacher Ms. Monica

Sophia wanted to be in the First Day if school Picture but Lilly refused...

And then she decided it was OK
Anna and Kirsten on the first day of school
Anna 9th grade- Kirsten 7th grade
Prettiest girls ever!

The entrance to our neighborhood at the peak if fall.

So beautiful!

Soph doing time in Nursery

More to come.......


Watsonville said...

YAHOOO! So good to see something on your blog! I love the year wrap up. It's just an indication how busy your life is if you are posting about last years school graduation and summer. You are awesome and can't wait to see what's ahead....

Sara Sargent Williams said...

Finally! I'm so tired of seeing that bar of baker's chocolate!!! :)