Wednesday, April 8, 2009


What's in a name? Talk about pressure when choosing a name for a child. I always wanted there to be some cool story behind why my parents chose Tammy. Like my sister Rebecca for instance-no biblical background, it was the name of a woman my dad dated and he liked her name. Or my youngest sister Kristy who was originally Kristina and when I vehemently protested the name and told them she was to be called Kristy they agreed (your welcome Kristy!) And my sister Caralee is named after an amazing aunt of ours.

I really took my girls names seriously and I am happy with what we chose.

There have however been some silly names that I have come across that really make me wonder and am even considering a law that prohibits idiots from naming anything shy of a rodent let alone a child.

There are the obvious names: Apple, Sunday, Cougar and Rainbow but how about Le-A? What's wrong with Leah you ask? Nothing if that was her name-the irate mother who had a hard time understanding why people couldn't pronounce her daughters name quickly corrected all by pronouncing it: LeDASHa. Apparently the dash isn't silent.

How about the girl I met at Ricks who took matters into her own hands and legally changed her name to Stac7ie. Not even kidding!

Or there was the asian Elder in the MTC Elder Liu. His name was Dong Hong Ning Liu and his Father was Dick Din Liu. (They were from Colorado.)

And forget about even broaching the subject of Mormon names. That's an entire blog in and unto itself!

Here are a few more for you enjoyment

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i happened upon this great blog yesterday. Rexburg's baby names of 2008. fantastic.