Wednesday, December 22, 2010

stomach flu

Not so Merry
Not so Bright

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Lilly

(Thanks cousin Ally for taking this picture!)

Merry and Bright

Monday, December 6, 2010

bad mom?

"There are some days when I have to choose between being a bad mom or an embarrassed mom. Today I chose bad mom...I gave in and bought her the candy. " ~Kathy

When my good friend said this I laughed hard.

First because she is just so darn funny.
Second because I mostly felt sorry for her inability to control her child.

Well....guess who chose bad today?!

That's right! Go ahead and judge

But when it came right down to it I had to give in.

My girls wouldn't stop screaming. I tried everything. I tried talking calmly. I walked away from the temptation. I hugged and loved. I even offered choices ya know, the whole love and logic thing. Well love and logic simply fly out the window when you're dealing with 2 kids under the age of three and baked goods are involved.

Lilly ate an entire cinnamon roll from Kneaders for lunch.

Sophia ate nothing but a chocolate chip cookie and rootbeer for lunch.

Me? well, I ate a delicious turkey ranch sandwich with chips and a large half coke/half diet coke.

Bad mom vs. Embarrassed mom.

hmmmmmm-the verdicts still out

But today's results were pleasant


We all ate happily ever after!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


eBay-ers I have 2 words for you:

Garage Sale

I love the eBay and have had several good experiences but one thing I would like to point out is that there are WAY too many tings being sold for WAY too much.

"Used", "Slightly Used", "Some Wear", "Used -but in Excellent Condition" are all nice ways of saying "not new, will never smell new, will never wear new, it's a crap shoot so good luck sucker and there is no such thing as a lemon law or buyers remorse- Or in the life lesson words of my uncle who sold me a car that gave up the ghost the next day "You sorry you bought the car? well, then there's your buyers remorse!"


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Help Jim See

I entered Jim in a contest last week
If we win he get's free lasik eye surgery
If we loose Jim get's to wear glasses until...

Sophia stops breaking things

Harmon's lowers their prices on "Atrisan" bread

Businesses get rid of the tip jars

My hair suddenly stops turning gray

Jim no longer craves the House Lo Mein at Fong's

Kids stop having birthdays

Things in our home no longer need replacing/repairing

The kids are done with college

We've paid for 4 weddings

We win the Wyoming :)

You can see our entry HERE

(You can also vote for him in that same page too-wink wink nudge nudge
Oh and you can vote EVERYDAY too)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Blow-Out of all Blow-Outs!

So I searched the Internet for a definition of today's little set back and here is what I found:

  • Blowout (well drilling), a sudden release of oil and gas from a well (Pretty darn close!)
  • Blowout grass (Redfieldia flexuosa) is a grass that can be found on sand dunes
  • Blowout (tire), a sudden loss of tire pressure.
  • A sudden rupture or bursting, as of an automobile tire. (again-pretty darn close to today's reality)

blowoutblowout - a gay festivity-(I can assure you, there was nothing happy or gay about today's occurrence)

And then this little diddy was found on the Urban Dictionary web site:

"1. When a baby or anyone ( ANYONE?) who wears a diaper had a bad poopy accident full of diarreha and poo goes everywhere (perhaps on your pants and your really cute flowered Lucky Brand sweater) making a mess and getting everything stinky (like the high chair at Chik-Fil-A that had to be taken out of commission...forever).

1. Upset mom: P-U! I think we should pull over on the side of the road to take care of the kid's diaper problems. (I wish we had been in the car. I would have been so lucky!)

2. Grumpy dad: Darn that diaper blowout is so stinky!"

3. People at Chick-Fil-A trying to enjoy their lunch: Ewww does that mother know that the child in her arms has poo running down her legs, into her shoes, on her dress and it is now getting all over her cute flowered sweater?

4. Friends with said mother: Holy Moses! Let us help! Here are some wipes. Use my daughters extra outfit I packed for school, here are some socks. Can we get some of your courtesy hand wipes? And throw in a few of those mints too!

That was the first round-when she had blow out #2 I picked her up and ran to the car. And Blow out #3 thankfully was in the car and no I didn't pull over to the side of the road to take care of her diaper problems-I drove like a bat out of you know where, knowing full well that bad things really do come in three's!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

bump da bump bump BUMP!

She hopped down the hall in full glee
Sophia's blanket she did not see,
she tripped and she fell
and gave out quite a yell
A large bump and a bruise was to be.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy HALL-oween!

Here we are in all our glory!

Princess (Lilly's 3rd costume for the week) and a Carebear

Crazy Oakland A's fan (She was going to be Darth Vader but this last minute costume came together as soon as we found out that there are no masks are allowed in the school parade)

Little Devil (one of three costumes this week)

Jazzercise Instructors

We never tire of this Hall-iday! ;)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Little Note of Thanks

Dear Joann's

I just want to take some time to thank you for thinking of your "paper subscribing patrons" this last weekend by placing your colorfully inviting add with your more than generous coupons on the side.

Imagine my delight when I saw that there were not one but two 50% off coupons with an entire week to use them. I can't tell you the good it did my soul to see such a generous offering and in such turbulent financial times. My exact thoughts were "Yes! Finally someone get's it! I can't wait to use these and get started on some seriously overdue projects!"

I couldn't wait to get started!

I hired a babysitter so as to really enjoy this ...sans the little kiddies.

I cut out my coupons.

I sang a happy tune all the way there and gave thanks to the fabric and craft God's who had made this moment possible.

I walked in and noticed that many other women had the same idea as me. I smiled thinking that we were all there for the same reason: discount!
As I continued walking through the store I also noticed red signs...and not a few. Those red signs were ubiquitous! (really they were!)
Everything in that blasted store was on sale. Literally everything!

"Everything?" you ask

"Yes Everything!"

To prove my point, I needed iron on letters. IRON ON LETTERS people. Imagine the throng of coupon cutters that are going to Joann's to buy iron on letters!
I can understand material, or scrapbooking supplies, or jewelery stuff but for crying out loud Iron on letters? Seriously?
They were 25% off.
And as you can probably guess, the coupons exclude everything that is already on sale.
And you can probably guess what some of my thoughts were at that exact moment.
And yes I bought those blasted Iron on letters at 25% off because some % is better than none right?

Well Joann's... while you may have won this little battle, the war is not over. I am planning a boycott on all things Joann's.

And it starts today.

Posters will be everywhere and I will be enlisting the help of others.

But first I'm going to need some posters, markers, cute paper and glitter.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Saturday, October 16th brought about the Second Annual Tomato-Palooza and good times were had!

This years menu:

*Jalapeno Jelly and cream cheese appetizer
*Bistro Jeanty Tomato Soup (recipe sent to me from the chef with a mini sticky note that says "Enjoy")
*Yummy Bruschetta
*Sweet potato fries
*Dill and cilantro dip
Razzleberry Pie with ice cream

We love this (new)tradition and have look forward to celebrating it again with the Lambert's and Liz all year.

However we have unanimously concluded that we really need to incorporate more tomato foods to the menu. So, for next year we have committed to Fried Green Tomato's and some sort of cherry tomato hors d' oeuvres. BUT...we seem to be stuck on a tomato dessert so if you have any ideas send 'em our way before next October.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Tonight was Kirsten's first time doing Baptisms for the Dead- Yup she is 12 already . I know, I know I can't believe it either-didn't she just finish the first grade or something?

Kirsten was super nervous so Anna stayed in the font and assured her that she could do it AND she was sure to let the volunteer know that her sister was nervous and to be extra careful. Later tonight her leader called to let us know what a great job they both did.

Kirst came home grinning from ear to ear and excitedly told us that it all went well.

Jim asked her what her favorite thing about it was and she said "The Big Hot Tub!"

Kirst, you're the best!


(Learning how to wink)

Lilly loves to love!

Everyday and totally out of the blue she tells me that she loves me. and not just me but all of us
These moments are so random and in no way are they an attempt to get something like her way.
Take last night-
She was eating dinner outside with the "Rawlings 3" (of the 5) and she quickly ran inside and yelled "I LOVE YOU MOM!" and went back outside to eat.

Tonight while watching a video on the "computerroom" (her word for computer) she looked over at me and said "Mom I love you the best!"

Man, this kid makes my heart smile


Thursday, September 30, 2010


Not quite sure how it got started but at dinner time we do a family cheer.
Someone holds their glass up into the air and says a cheer and then of course we all klink our glasses together. Even little Sophia gets into it and holds her sippie cup high waiting for anyone to oblige.
Best cheer yet (from kirsten) "Cheers to the old man in white sneakers!" (I have no idea)
and Lilly's version tonight: "Cheers to the old white man!"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away...

Man did it rain!

Storm of the century some were saying

We only got a little bit of flooding thanks to our fabulous neighbors who saved us!

Although we never did see a rainbow afterwards
Convinced Draper was on the radar for being flooded out!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All Done

Is it really over? I can't believe how fast this summer came and went. It seems like it was just last week that is was the first of June and I was seriously on a ledge wondering how in the world I was going to make it? Well, I made it and it kinda makes me sad that it's over. I actually miss the girls. Now my days are more quiet, less crazy, cleaner, pantry filled, fridge filled, free of damp/grassed up towels, sunscreen-less, friendless, activity-less, craft-less, etc.

I miss the girls. We had a great summer.
(Here are a few pics-but there are plenty more to come!)

My view from above while going on early morning walks with the babies

Nephew Talmage who broke his arm after trying to "fly" off the play house in the basement (Sorry buddy)

Lilly's outfit for the day: Tights and a Tank Top

Drinking water from Noah's Ark- Thanksgiving Point
First day of Summer Pedicures

Me at the insta-care barely able to breathe only to later find out that I have asthma-who knew?
Jim making good on his offer at the family auction. He auctioned off a 5 minute massage and Aunt Connie won. And did she ever!

The LION KING! Lilly's first Broadway Show. Yipee!!!

The girls sitting in the drivers seat during one of our many 30+minute road construction stops on the way up to Yellowstone

Boondocks with Aunt Kristy

Sophia and Maddox sharing a snack

Monday, July 26, 2010

all in a day's work

Ya know how "THEY" say: "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?

Well apparently "THEY" never had their dryer go out on laundry day!

(I would have made a horrible pioneer)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Barbecue Sauce and Chicken Nuggets Guest Blog by Jim Hall

My children love Chicken Nuggets and with every order of chicken nuggets we have to get barbecue sauce. No seriously, we have to. My kids will not eat the chicken nuggets without barbecue sauce. But we have a problem, for some reason I can never get the knuckle heads at Wendys and McDonalds to put barbecue sauce in the bag when we go through the drive through. Just the other day this is how the conversation went at the McDonalds drive through.

Jim: Yes, I would like the 10 piece Mcnugget please and for the love of all that is holy, will you please put barbecue sauce in the bag.

Knuckle Head: Yes sir we will include the barbecue sauce, is that all?

Jim: Did you hear me ask for the barbecue sauce?

Knuckle Head: Yes

I pull forward, pay, and he hands me the bag.

Jim: Is there barbecue sauce in the bag?

Knuckle Head: Yes

I looked in the bag and there is no barbecue sauce. At this point I am as close as I have ever been to committing a crime. I dont carry any weapons, but this knuckle head was skinny enough I was pretty sure I could jump through the drive through window rip his head off and flash fry that thing with some fries.

Jim: There is no barbecue sauce in the bag!!!

Knuckle Head: Did you say you wanted barbecue sauce?

I spoke no words, I gave him a look that I have never given before. The look clearly told him he had better get me some barbecue sauce or he had just taken his last order... And he did.. And he lives to flash fry another day.

On a side note, look for me on the Pioneer Day Parade route, I will be selling my "Free Lindsay Lohan" T-shirts and Flasks.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It was nearly ten o'clock when I did the rounds and found Lilly WIDE awake.

She was playing with her cell phone (one of jim's old phones)

I quickly got after her and told her to say goodbye to her friend and put the phone away.

Her exact words to me were:

"Mooohhm...I'm not talking - I'm just texting."

She's 3

Friday, July 16, 2010

kiddie meals

Lately there has been some media surrounding McDonald's and the "research" claiming: that there is a link bewteen childhood obesity and the the toys found in Happy Meals.

(In that case there should also be a correlation between obese children recklessly driving themselves to McDonalds and the toys found in Happy Meals.)

Today however we as a family came to our own scientific conclusion:

If McDonald's Happy Meals had toys as great as those found in the Wendy's Kids Meals, no one would be complaining at all!!!!