Wednesday, December 1, 2010


eBay-ers I have 2 words for you:

Garage Sale

I love the eBay and have had several good experiences but one thing I would like to point out is that there are WAY too many tings being sold for WAY too much.

"Used", "Slightly Used", "Some Wear", "Used -but in Excellent Condition" are all nice ways of saying "not new, will never smell new, will never wear new, it's a crap shoot so good luck sucker and there is no such thing as a lemon law or buyers remorse- Or in the life lesson words of my uncle who sold me a car that gave up the ghost the next day "You sorry you bought the car? well, then there's your buyers remorse!"

1 comment:

Watsonville said...

I couldn't agree more. Or how about when you get an item that has been altered and doesn't fit quite right. You complain and they say "oh, I sent you the wrong one and the good one just sold. Sorry"