Monday, July 26, 2010

all in a day's work

Ya know how "THEY" say: "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?

Well apparently "THEY" never had their dryer go out on laundry day!

(I would have made a horrible pioneer)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Barbecue Sauce and Chicken Nuggets Guest Blog by Jim Hall

My children love Chicken Nuggets and with every order of chicken nuggets we have to get barbecue sauce. No seriously, we have to. My kids will not eat the chicken nuggets without barbecue sauce. But we have a problem, for some reason I can never get the knuckle heads at Wendys and McDonalds to put barbecue sauce in the bag when we go through the drive through. Just the other day this is how the conversation went at the McDonalds drive through.

Jim: Yes, I would like the 10 piece Mcnugget please and for the love of all that is holy, will you please put barbecue sauce in the bag.

Knuckle Head: Yes sir we will include the barbecue sauce, is that all?

Jim: Did you hear me ask for the barbecue sauce?

Knuckle Head: Yes

I pull forward, pay, and he hands me the bag.

Jim: Is there barbecue sauce in the bag?

Knuckle Head: Yes

I looked in the bag and there is no barbecue sauce. At this point I am as close as I have ever been to committing a crime. I dont carry any weapons, but this knuckle head was skinny enough I was pretty sure I could jump through the drive through window rip his head off and flash fry that thing with some fries.

Jim: There is no barbecue sauce in the bag!!!

Knuckle Head: Did you say you wanted barbecue sauce?

I spoke no words, I gave him a look that I have never given before. The look clearly told him he had better get me some barbecue sauce or he had just taken his last order... And he did.. And he lives to flash fry another day.

On a side note, look for me on the Pioneer Day Parade route, I will be selling my "Free Lindsay Lohan" T-shirts and Flasks.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It was nearly ten o'clock when I did the rounds and found Lilly WIDE awake.

She was playing with her cell phone (one of jim's old phones)

I quickly got after her and told her to say goodbye to her friend and put the phone away.

Her exact words to me were:

"Mooohhm...I'm not talking - I'm just texting."

She's 3

Friday, July 16, 2010

kiddie meals

Lately there has been some media surrounding McDonald's and the "research" claiming: that there is a link bewteen childhood obesity and the the toys found in Happy Meals.

(In that case there should also be a correlation between obese children recklessly driving themselves to McDonalds and the toys found in Happy Meals.)

Today however we as a family came to our own scientific conclusion:

If McDonald's Happy Meals had toys as great as those found in the Wendy's Kids Meals, no one would be complaining at all!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Now, anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE movies. They don't even have to be good as long as I have a tub of popcorn in one hand and a 1/2 and 1/2 in the other with some milk duds at my feet I am good to go.

So it came as a total shock last night when I had some not so pleasant moments:

First. NEVER, NEVER NEVER attend a show on a weeknight. Those minimum wage-"you need a job during the summer"-"I hate this job my parents made me get"-teenager is not as attentive or discerning to the necessity of "fresh" popcorn on the weeknights as they are on the weekends. The girl actaully sifted the kernels from the popcorn that she got from the bottom of the machine before putting it in my bucket. UGH

Second. The snacks and their price. If I am willing to shell out in dollars the equivilant of a tank of gas, is it too much to ask that the box of milkduds be fresh?

Third. "HEY LADY! Take your kid out of the theater!" This isn't sacrament meeting for crying out loud!

Fourth. The movie. Going back to my earlier comments, my expectations are set pretty low for movies. Again, the treats but mostly I bask in the glory of not having to wipe a bum, answer a question, break up a fight, sweep the floor or say "the kitchen is closed" for the hundreth time.

So we saw "Eclipse" last night. Anna read the book and like any GOOD mother of a teenager who wants to know what vampire smut her daugher is reading... I too read the book.

Did anyone else see it? It was somewhat entertaining -once you get past the bare chests, the dowdy Bella, the controlling boyfriend who sleeps in her room everynight unbeknownst to her father all underthe guise that he "loves" her -hmmmmm, and then there's the dialogue.

I'm no writer and so far be it from me to critique it BUT

Did anyone else.....

have a hard time.....

with the way that they.......


and the.......

cadence of........

their lines.......

All I know.........

is that if someone I .............


spoke like that........

to me.

I would probably have........






Sadly enough.....
I am once again reminded ......
that if everyone in the world .......
could just be...
as awesome as me....

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Girls

2 weeks ago I FINALLY had pictures taken of all 4 girls.

I am in love with them!

Mickelle Marston is the photographer and she did an amazing job!

You can a few more of the pictures at

wow, do I love my girls!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

enjoy it now...

I have come appreciate it when someone older puts motherhood into perspective for me by saying:

"Enjoy it now because it doesn't last forever!"


"Enjoy it now because it goes by so fast!"

I always agree with them and I recognize and give thanks every day for how blessed I am to have children and be a mother. It is better than I could have ever imagined


I am quite confident that I will NEVER miss this phase of motherhood...

Ahhh cute right? yah, until you recognize that it is dirt(a daily occurrence!)

For reals?!
I don't even know where she found the blue scout face paint