Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God bless the USA


Tonight was Kirsten's 5th grade program

It had a patriotic theme

At the end they asked all of the service men in the room to stand as they sang their song

And I cried.

Then we all stood and sang the National Anthem and the Service men saluted

And I cried again.

I LOVE AMERICA and everything about it
including a president I did not vote for but who I pray for every night
I makes me sad to hear such malice spoken of a man who runs our country
He may not do it in a way I agree with
I love this country and hope he succeeds at making this a better place to live
He needs prayers, not cynicism and our hope not hate

Wow all that from a 5th grade program-well done kids . . .well done!


Watsonville said...

Um, has Laurel read this yet and if not I sure hope I am there when she does.

Laurel said...

i pray for him too...just for the record.

and your bumper sticker lines are classic. where did you come up with that?

God bless America!