In the opening prayer given in Ward Council on Sunday there was a part of the prayer that really hit me:
"Please help us to have the Savior in mind with all that we do this week".
Those words haunted me all day.
I don't think I have ever made a conscious decision to do just that...with ALL that I do in a a mom.
So that is what I fasted and prayed for on Sunday-asking the Lord for some serious help.
It's Tuesday and if you could have seen the way I just handled the fifty-millionth spill of juice (in one day) on my carpet by my 2 year old you would be certain that either God didn't hear my prayer, or that the Savior really would have gritted his teeth, groaned, and reacted in such a manner as to cause a 2 year old to utter the words "I shorry mommy!"
Oh and Monday wasn't that stellar of a day either.
This is way harder than I thought!
Maybe I should set this goal for when all of my kids are in school...all of them.
xoxo tam