Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In the opening prayer given in Ward Council on Sunday there was a part of the prayer that really hit me:
"Please help us to have the Savior in mind with all that we do this week".

Those words haunted me all day.

I don't think I have ever made a conscious decision to do just that...with ALL that I do in a week...as a mom.

So that is what I fasted and prayed for on Sunday-asking the Lord for some serious help.

It's Tuesday and if you could have seen the way I just handled the fifty-millionth spill of juice (in one day) on my carpet by my 2 year old you would be certain that either God didn't hear my prayer, or that the Savior really would have gritted his teeth, groaned, and reacted in such a manner as to cause a 2 year old to utter the words "I shorry mommy!"

Oh and Monday wasn't that stellar of a day either.

This is way harder than I thought!

Maybe I should set this goal for when all of my kids are in school...all of them.

xoxo tam


Watsonville said...

Are you kidding me? You are the queen of exaggerating. She may have spilled her drink and your reaction may have been to roll your eyes and let out a stronger puff of air than usual. That is punishment to your girls. To which they all run and say to comfort her "your not in trouble" and then they all have a treat and everyone hugs and all is merry again. I know how things really work in your home. You have seen how it happens in my house. I scream, take everything away and ban them to seperate corners. Now who needs God on their side? You are an AMAZING mother to 4 girls and THAT there alone is cause for praise! You get all the awards!

Sara Sargent Williams said...

um.... I think Alma 42 says it best... and if it is true for all of mortality... then I think it is true for mothers who are trying to teach rules, behaviors,form clay tabernacles into contributing members of society and keep their carpet clean!

Sara Sargent Williams said...
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