Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thanksgiving Point

 One of the best things that Jim has taught me (that he learned from his parents) is the art of putting kids to bed. When Jim was a little boy his parents would lay down with him for a few minutes to talk about the day.  Jim has since carried on that tradition and when we married I joined in.

Almost every night as I lay next to soph she asks: "Can me and Jordan go to the farm tomorrow?" I have been able to put this off by blaming the cold weather but last week she was able to do the math:

Sun+warm weather= the farm. 

I told her we could go when Lilly and Sydni went to the Zoo (school field trip). As luck would have it, it ended up being unexpectedly cold. It really did, honest! So I took soph and Jordan to the Dinosaur Museum and Soph was none-the-wiser. She and Jordan had a great time.
I love that they are "BF-ers" (Soph's way of saying BFF)

building Land of the Lost

Looking for a Sleestak

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