Thursday, October 3, 2013


If I had my way, cell phones would have the same age restrictions as alcohol and cigarettes. I have a tendency to shut down any idea regarding cell phones and cell phone use so when Jim suggested "No Technology Tuesday" I embraced it wholeheartedly.

Yesterday was super interesting as I engaged in a conversation (ok maybe an argument) with my daughter who refused to call and talk to a friend and insisted on texting. She thought that it was totally dumb to call someone just to arrange for a study group.  I listened in awe thinking "how in the world have my kids come to a point in their lives where basic human, voice interaction is a bad thing?!" Something must be done!

Later that night as soon as the kids were in bed I checked my phone and saw that I had 10 text messages...which I quickly texted back to because it would have been rude to leave them ignored.

2 days ago, I stumbled upon this quote that I had copied and pasted in my notebook in my phone. I remember reading it thinking how I could not wait to share it with my husband and girls merely to prove a point.

"Part of the tragedy I speak of is that many do not recognize they are trapped or soon will be. They see this as a form of entertainment that serves as a relief from the troubles of the day. In reality, it is only relieving them of their spirituality and their capacity to draw on the powers of heaven in times of need." 
H. Burke Peterson Oct. General Conference 2012

Point well taken. And I am totally guilty. I find my self checking my phone first thing in the morning, after I get out of the shower (in case I maybe didn't hear it go off), at a stop light, in lines, if I am ever waiting, while I cook dinner, while I watch TV, right before I go to bed.  You would think I was running a Fortune 500 company or that I was a Pimp. I am sure there is some deeper hidden meaning to my incessant checking of the phone... admittance is the first step right?!

But,  It has gotten out of control. I am out of control.

 I set a new goal. I have decided to put the scriptures app on my phone at the bottom with my 3 other most used apps. The Goal: every time I go to my phone during one of those "unnecessary" times I will hit the scriptures app and read. 

Couldn't hurt...might help. 

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I have always wondered if you were a I know the tell tale signs! Makes me wonder if I might be a pimp too...