Tuesday, November 12, 2013


 This is what post sedation looks like on a 4 year old - she had "a few" cavities.

And by "A Few" I mean 8. 

That's right, 8.

 I don't get it either. 

We are very diligent when it comes to feeding her candy, cakes, cookies, soda pop and any other sugary treat you can imagine all without the slightest concern for oral care. We in no way believe in brushing much less flossing.
Why would we? Those baby teeth are eventually going to come out.


I will say that the "princess juice" they gave her sure worked fast and took a while to wear off.  It was a blissful afternoon in the Hall house.

1 comment:

myrtle budge said...

Can't stop laughing at those glazed eyes!! Awesome.