Friday, November 21, 2008

worst day

Kirsten came home from school today and announced: "Today was the worst day in the world of Utah, EVER!" (her exact words). Apparently there was a scuffle at school while waiting in line for the bus. The girls were accused of butting in line, so they got sent to the back of the line which is a HUGE deal since they pride themselves on getting right to the front daily. The minute that bell rings Kirsten races outside to secure her place and save a spot for her sister Anna. (I was informed that family is allowed to Butt, just not friends).
Anyway-they both were equally upset by what happened and denied butting. When we asked if they were able to explain the situation to the teacher on BUS DUTY Anna said "Oh no. You Don't want to talk to this teacher. She has a beard!"
A Beard?!! "Well, just a lot of dark hair down around her chin and neck-it's so weird. The kids think she looks like a man and that she could be in the circus, it's that bad."
Now that is bad! This poor woman lives the worst day in the world of Utah, EVER!-every day! You can hardly blame the poor woman for sending kids to the back of the line.
And let's be honest- if it weren't for a really good pair of tweezers and excellent lighting I too would be living that sad tale.
Back of the line kid!


Laurel said...

a.) I can't stand how funny you are.
b.) I adore you.
c.) WHAT ON EARTH were you doing blogging at 5:55 a.m.???

Janie said...

Hi Tamara! You just seriously made my entire, lame day! I'm sitting here at 4:57 pm - still no shower or bra, mind you - laughing my guts out! I miss you! I found your blog on your facebook page, by the way (in case you're wondering if I'm stalking you or something.) We live like 30 seconds away so we need to go play! Your baby is beautiful!!

Brooke said...

seriously laughing out loud. really hard.

thank heavens and earth for tweezers. best invention ever.