Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fart Fan - Guest Blog by Jim Hall

We are finishing the rest of our basement and I am down there with our electrician. We start talking fans in the bathroom. He refers to it as a "Fart Fan". I've got to tell you this really bothered me and I am not sure why. I am a dude. I am passing stuff out of my rear all the time. There have been times when I have never laughed so hard as to the sound and duration of a fart. So why does calling it a fart fan bug me? Then the heating guy comes by and I ask him about running an exhaust line for the fan in the bathroom. He says "yea I can run a fart fan exhaust" and I am thinking why is everyone calling it that. You need to stop, please. Refer to it as a "not so pleasant smell expulsion fan". Then I would be able to talk to you about it.

Also, when I am talking to the electrician, he asked if I want a quiet "Fart Fan" or a noisy one. What? Why in the H.E. double hockey sticks would you want a quiet "not so pleasant smell expulsion fan". One of the main reasons you have the fan is to hide the noise that is occurring in the bathroom. I dont like hearing the noise when I am in there, so I assume nobody else outside the bathroom will either.

Please join me in my "Renaming the Fart Fan" campaign. All donations are greatly appreciated.


Uzi said...

I totally agree. I first got offended when I heard this, yes me of all people, until I heard everyone I work with in the industry refer to it as such.
It's horrible and I fully support your efforts in changing the name. Maybe we should "push" for calling it the "fire in the hole blower"

Laurel said...

please guest blog more often. I giggled out loud on this...actually giggled and actually did it out loud.

Anonymous said...

I could not stop laughing at this. People really call it that. That is funny stuff. Yet disturbing. I will join your campaign.

Nancee said...

Why am I not surprised that your first guest blog contains the word "fart" 6 times?

I vote for Kristy's "fire in the hole blower" as a replacement name!!

Watsonville said...

Can we call it a "crapper cover upper fan"? If they can make and exhaust fan for it why hasn't anyone made an intake valve where you can place scented liners to help make the room smell better for the next guy coming in? You could buy rose scented ones, lilac, or the classic burnt match smell. Now we're on to something! A "fart fan fragrance" if you will.

Brooke said...

get the loud fart fan FOR SURE.

and don't forget to courtesy flush either.