Thursday, January 8, 2009

Look what my mom found

The Mistress Picture

That's what the family has so affectionately called this picture dating back to cir. 1984.

Here's the deal:

I practically hit puberty in Kindergarten

No one else in the family hit puberty until their 20's

I didn't have a cute new outfit for the picture SO....

Mom had me wear the brides maids dress that SHE wore at her sister's wedding the weekend before

I'm only 14

I am the oldest of 5 kids in 7 years (bless my mothers heart!)

My brother and I are only 19 months apart (he's the little guy sitting on my mom's shoulder)

So there I sit, looking like my Father's mistress who was invited to sit in on the family picture

Although I'm not sure which is worse: me or my father's PERMED hair! (He thought it made him look like he had more hair-more of what little hair he had)


Laurel said...

I have NEVER loved ANY PICTURE more than this one.


Thanks for the laugh...I mean...

(it's funnier the longer you look at realize that, don't you?)

Laurel said...

oh, and people, really, if you haven't clicked on the picture to see it bigger, you are missing the whole experience.

I can't stand how much I love this. I thought it was kind of funny when I first saw it in 1989...but now...NOW...

Okay, I'll stop now.
(but, on it!)

cmdance said...

I clicked on it and truly it was the great laugh I needed this morning! I love you Tam!!! Even if you did go thru puberty when you were 5! Me, Im still waiting! hahaha!

Kathy said...

Freakin' HILARIOUS!!! I am still laughing at how classic everything about this picture is. I am so glad you posted this it is so great and your description of the picture is priceless too. You are the best for sharing such a treasure.

Watsonville said...

This is still the best picture to date! Love it every time and it never gets Trav.

Natalie said...

Oh my...that is HILARIOUS! I'm so glad you posted it, so that I could have a good giggle this morning! :)

Natalie said...

BTW, you make a really HOT mistress!

Becky said...

Tam, I know that you put this picture up for me, because i have never seen it and only heard about it- thinking,"it can't be as funny as everyone is making it" WRONG! it is. I feel like this photo is what you should put on your Christmas card for next year- forget about offending the hispanics and the jews, this photo is just plain offensive! I love you my dear, dear mistress friend! thanks for the laughs!

NICKI said...

Hey, Nicki here! You know the one that has to claim Julie as her sister-in-law! Ya well, I just found your blog, read the mistress post, and laughed until I cried-literally! If all your posts are this funny, then I am so grateful I found your web page. That is seriously the funniest family picture I have ever seen, I can not quit laughing. I will be telling Brooke and Julie to check it out as well-hope you don't mind! So Bryce is thinning up on top. He recently grew his hair out but I told him he looked like a predator of some sort with the wispy hair on top and longer in the back, made him cut it and now he thinks a perm will help. I will be showing him this pic and hopefully he will change his mind. THANKS!

Shauna said...

Ok, I am coming out of the blog stalking closet for this one. Holy Cow that is hilarious! This is how I remember your siblings! I don't ever remember you wearing that mistress dress though! :) I love your blog! I have actually only been reading it for a month or so... so I guess I'm not too much of a stalker. :)

Nancee said...

Rebecca looks like she TOTALLY got the joke, even back then . . . is that why you made her grow up and be your sister-wife?

The Whitmore's said...

Oh my gosh....Oh my gosh! I am laughing so hard AGAIN! I read this last night and was laughing so hard, Mike thought I was crying......I was....tears of absolute laughter! I read it to Mike and he laughed hard too! You are too funny! You light up my life! LOVE YOU!

Unknown said...

I just dont feel right.


Uzi said...

Haaa, love it.

Did you ever stop and look at how much mom looks like Marie Osmond in that picture? That's the biggest hair I've seen on mom, EVER. And dad, he looks like Chester or the relative in Christmas Vacation.
Is he growing out a stache or did he REALLY NOT shave for family pictures? Probably just got off the boat from one of his fishing tournaments threw on a dickie under the blazer, ran a pick through his hair and called it good!
This picture reaks as much as the fish smell that he is probably emulating.

(and you know this is just a preempt of the pageant pictures! Didn't Cara wear that same dress?)