Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random pic's I forgot to Blog

Another awesome morning bed head


First almost-spring afternoon walk

Kirsten and Lilly just being

Jim scoutin' it

finger paints- what a splendid idea for a 2 year old!

Jim gloved up getting ready to take the cooked turkey out of the
"Ronco -Set it and Forget it" Oven

Bowling for dollars

She was so proud of this outfit. How could I possibly tell her to change?

First Costco run when Sophia could finally sit in the cart-yeah!

All of us trying to fit in the Kia when the burb was being repaired.


Laurel said...

i love it all.

but this?
THIS is my favorite:

"Jim gloved up getting ready to take the cooked turkey out of the

"Ronco -Set it and Forget it" Oven"


Jill said...

Try fingerpainting with pudding ala Kate Gosselin. She's crazy....but that was a good idea. Particularly if it's chocolate pudding.

That's what I'm talking about.

Grandma Ann said...

I loved all the pictures. But, then, I could possibly be prejudice. Love ya.