Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I was in a much needed outing today.

For some odd reason I was literally going out of my mind and thought "If I don't get out and go somewhere soon there will be serious repercussions!"

So I did what any sane stay-a-home mom would do

I went to Target and bought a box of these:
Then I took her on over the the VF Factory outlets

ummm because I had never been there before and was dying to know what was so great inside that managed to keep that hole afloat!


well let's just say I could have (should have) stayed at home today, and had myself an ice cold Tab wearing a tube top and short shorts, eating pork rhines, watching re-runs of the Jeffersons and had a better time not to mention come out $94 dollars ahead (don't even ask!)

Ahhhh a day in the life of a stay-at-home mom - Niiiice!!


Watsonville said...

I am still dying to know what you bought there. You know, by buying stuff you are helping them stay in business. :)

myrtle budge said...

I have a recipe for those cookies. But i've just outgrown my tube top (dang it).

Suzette said...

I love those kind of cookies!!!

Jill said...

you should've called me. I was wanting a friend to go to the zoo with me.