Monday, January 24, 2011


"Don't knock it till you try it. Rats are amazing."
(Actual Youtube quote)

Just off the top of my head I can think of about 100 more amazing things than rats. In fact, remember that "game" (older sibling torture device) you played where you would tap on your siblings forehead or chest and yell "Name 10 cereals" or cars or colors or whatever and then you would stop. I am confident I could have named 10 amazing things AND in less time than it takes to feel sick watching this clip.

AMAZING. When did this word become the catchall for those times when you think: "ummm I have no words for your weirdness so I will go with amazing and call it a day-cuz it sounds nice...?

As horrible as this was, I don't even want to think about what caused him to get to this point...or how close I may already be! and I don't even like animals!


Watsonville said...

I just threw up....and it wasn't a little bit!

Susan said...

ummmm . . . no words . . . just shuddering, lots and lots of shuddering.