Monday, April 11, 2011


After team teaching with Anna and then Jim for the past 2 weeks,

Lilly insisted on doing it...All. By. Her. Self!

So we let her.

She taped a picture of Jesus and handouts to the TV hutch

She called us in promptly at 7:00

She started off by informing us of her agenda

She TOLD Anna to give the prayer.

She TOLD us to stand and sing:
Once there was a snowman.
Singing a song if fun to do, fun to do, to do, to do....
And just the chorus of Follow the Prophet while marching in a circle around the room.

We were then instructed to sit on the floor where we were each given a coloring page and crayons.

After coloring she explained the rules to the game and shook her finger at Kirsten as she said "...And no cheating Kirsten!"

Then we played a rousing game of Duck, Duck, Goose.

We wrapped it all up with bowls of ice cream which apprised us of our lack of bowls -so we took a trip to Ikea to buy some more.

And as a side note: if you have ever wondered what I was like as a child.... :)


Laurel said...

oh man I LOVE THIS.
Love that kid so much.

Uzi said...

Haaa ha hah HAAAAA!!!! Man, I should have come over for that one!

Nancee said...

I love Lilly!

Sandy said...

I think it's great you actually let her go the entire time! Awesome!