Thursday, January 27, 2011


I just finished reading this book.

I know, I know....Superfudge....

But it came highly recommended by my mother-in-law Ann as well as my daughter Anna.

And now I am highly recommending it to you.

Oh, and my recommendation comes with an idea: read it with your children.

You can read a review here: mockingbird

Or you can read mine:


This book takes you inside the mind of a young girl with Asperger's syndrome and it tells an incredibly moving story through her eyes. I have a dear friend who gets it in a way that many of us never will and I thought of her as I read this book. I wanted her to be here by my side so I could ask her questions. I want to know how she is able to do all that she does in light of this difficult situation. The only word that comes to mind is Finesse: the ability to skilfully and adroitly handle a difficult or highly sensitive situation. I sure could use a dose or two of that!

Monday, January 24, 2011


"Don't knock it till you try it. Rats are amazing."
(Actual Youtube quote)

Just off the top of my head I can think of about 100 more amazing things than rats. In fact, remember that "game" (older sibling torture device) you played where you would tap on your siblings forehead or chest and yell "Name 10 cereals" or cars or colors or whatever and then you would stop. I am confident I could have named 10 amazing things AND in less time than it takes to feel sick watching this clip.

AMAZING. When did this word become the catchall for those times when you think: "ummm I have no words for your weirdness so I will go with amazing and call it a day-cuz it sounds nice...?

As horrible as this was, I don't even want to think about what caused him to get to this point...or how close I may already be! and I don't even like animals!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

bed time

Lilly loves to go t bed with books. In fact, she refuses to sleep unless she has a stack of them perfectly placed on her pillow. This of course is a far cry from her mother who still maintains that the last book she ever read was Superfudge.

This is how I found her asleep last night:

Just a little light reading before bed time.

Thanks Grandma Ann for her new favorite book!