Friday, February 29, 2008


Ok so this might not be my proudest moment but I have something to confess- I have an addiction. Jim has actually thought of calling A&E to submit my name to the show Intervention. I never thought I had an addicting personality until Webkins became a part of my life. Basically it is the 21st century's version of Beanie Babies only these come with a secret code you log in with and then you get to play games that earn you points to buy furniture for you pets virtual home.

Well, who cares about the virtual home and buying all that crap- it's the games that have me hooked. I can't sop playing Cash Cow 2 and Bizkins word puzzle. Oh how I love them. The other night (a little after 10) Jim found me playing the games "Don't you judge me Jim!" I yelled as I embarrassingly tried to click out so as to not get caught-too late. In fact even now as I write Kirsten is waiting for us to log in so we can play the games. When the girls started they had 68 points- now they have 3,684. Should you be reading this and at some point feel the desire to check it out and play a few games the log in is piez12 and the password is apple12 (just in case).

It's just really nice to have something to fill up my stay-at-home-mom day; other than soap operas, eating ice cream, going to lunch with friends, reading People, and watching some version of a womans struggle to find her innerself starring Meredith Baxter Birney on Lifetime for Women. Ahh I love my life!


Uzi said...

Haa haa haa! Merideth Baxter Berney! Classic. Well, it's good to know that your time is being well spent. I like to think of it as challenging and strengthening your brain muscles. Because if it's making the girls smarter, it has to be making you smarter right...........ok maybe not but hey, look where I got by playing Nintendo all those years........ok bad example!

Brooke said...

i find that if i start, i can't stop playing the webkinz games either! i always tell myself i'm just doing it to earn the kids some kinzcash.

you crack me up with your m.b.b reference on lifetime! seriously, LOL.

Josh said...


I can't tell you how hard this made me laugh!!! Josh and I have had the exact same conversation about Intervention and Webkinz. I have to fight my five and three year-olds for the computer. I'm addicted to the word game and Atomicalicious. Love it!!!

... and people wonder why I stopped blogging after Christmas??? I haven't had time!!! I'm too busy "earning my kids points!!" I'm such a great mom!