Wednesday, February 27, 2008

welcome to my blog

Well here it is. I am FINALLY succumbing to the ways of the world and blogging my life at the request of many. This will chronicle my daily activities and experiences as a "new" mom and the things that make me laugh-cuz that's what it's all about right? So hey to my fellow bloggers out there and haaayyy to those who are blog-stalkers (you are among friends!) And to Laurel who I harassed about starting a blog- I promise to call you personally when something REALLY cool happens :) , a special shout out to my first blogging friend Amy who was my blogging pioneer, to my dear friend Tami who taught me that blogging is a both a tribute to and an archive of love and to Brooke who inspired Tami and who I hope doesn't judge my poor grammar when she reads my blogs :)

Here's a good one:
Anna and Kirsten were getting ready for church on Sunday and Anna in her older sister way was annoying Kirst so Kirsten said "Anna, Kiss my swear word!"


Laurel said...

I just had to be the first to comment. I am SO glad you've joined us. Beware. It's totally addicting.

OH, and I'll call you too!

Watsonville said...

Who are you kidding? You barely have time to gchat and now a blog? I'll guess I'll have to wait 7 weeks to read something new. Just kidding!
I'm glad you are doing this. The Jammer's are hilarious! Love you!


Brooke said...

First off, YOU have a cute beach picture? I want a cute beach picture, but Aaron won't concede. Now that Jim has done it-- in khaki's and everything-- Aaron better watch out.

And I love JAM!

And I hate grammar.

Tami said...

Hooray for blogging.
You'll see your life differently now because you'll be thinking, "How can I blog this?"

And, sorry, but the English Teacher side of me is always checking grammar.

Uzi said...

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful blog. I'm glad I was there to witness the start of something amazing!

the New Mom said...

You crack me up! So excited to read your blog! Love you long time! nice to me or I'll post the picture of you bleaching your stash! xoxoxoAimo

PS.....sarge.....give know you want to blog!