Thursday, June 5, 2008

First Day of Summer

What a dreary day for the first day of summer. We stayed inside and made Shrinky Dinks-remember those? They are still around and I still love them. Rumor has it my great uncle invented them (then again we Uzelac's claim fame for many a thing- My sister Rebecca truly thought she wrote the song: We built this city on Rock and Roll- incidentally it was voted Worst Song Ever by Rolling Stone and I do recall thinking I had come up with the game Go Fish as well as the correct placement of socks on the feet hmmm and to think I am raising kids.)

But I will say so far so good.

of course it is just day one.

and only 1:30 p.m.

and none of their friends can play.

and Jim doesn't get home for 4 more hours.


Laurel said...

you HAVE to promise to post every day. I need the comic relief.

And I'm PRETTY sure one of you Uzelac's tried to take credit for the invention of the sewing machine and the hearing aid!

Watsonville said...

Thanks for the post and song! You rock. Well actually I do for writing this song while I was in the 6th grade non the less! Good times! I'm also pretty sure I invented tying a sweatshirt around your waist. Now there is a good blog all together.