Thursday, June 26, 2008

strawberry cheesecake

mmmmmm strawberry cheesecake from Zupas. We went there for lunch and the girls begged for a piece of their strawberry cheesecake and since I am the coolest mom ever, I obliged. As we indulged in that delictible confection of goodness Kirsten said: "Man, I think God or Jesus put something in there to make it taste so good!" I couldn't agree more. I also think they are somehow involved in the production of Coke products, cheese, girl scout cookies and movie popcorn with lots of butter!!


Jana said...


Ally said...

i am so jealous that you get zupas!!! i came out this weekend and besides looking forward to see the family... i was excited for zupas! so, do you know what happened??!! i went to zupas like a little kid going to the zoo, and THEY WERE CLOSED!!! i almost cried and even thought of ways to get in there for my favorite salad and their cheese cake! any who ha's! great to see you!