Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer cleaning Boot Camp

Today was hard core! I taught the girls how to clean. . . I mean really clean. We went through each room where I instructed them on how exactly to clean the room to my satisfaction. Jim helped the girls burn a CD of their favorite songs and we cleaned to the music. When TNT by ACDC came on I saw Kirsten singing along and I asked "hey Kirst should I turn it up" and without any hesitation she called back with a resounding "YES!"
They did a great job and it only took about an hour. They followed my instructions, didn't complain once and Anna begged to do the toilets. Could someone pinch me please?

friends came over.
capture the flag was played.
water found it's way out if the hose
popsicles were eaten
Lilly napped (until woken by screaming kids)
piano was practiced

Yes summer is here and I have the bull by it's horns!

Of course I later found out that when Jim came home they were quick to tell him that "mom locked us out of the house and wouldn't give us any food today!" to which I replied with "whatever it takes!"


Laurel said...

man. You've picked this "mom thing" up SO quickly.

um, can you come over and teach ME how to deep clean to your satisfaction?

Brooke said...

i'm telling you, that whole kicking them out into the backyard? it works.

we don't do any of that other stuff though.