Wednesday, July 9, 2008

we're back!

It's been a while. . . I know. So much has happened that there is no way I could possibly blog about it all SO if you want to know more about: Jim's knee surgery, our road trip to the Grand Canyon, our 1 night stay at Jacob Lake (also known as "the dump" by kirsten), the plethora of snacks we packed for the trip, swim lessons, kirsten jumping off of the diving block for the first time, Lilly taking her first steps and is now walking, the Stadium of Fire Hannah Montana concert, Anna puking twice on the side of the road, Fireworks show with the Erickson's that was out of this world and uncle Scott nearly getting hauled off to jail; you can call us and we would love to tell you the story.
But today I am back on track. I can't believe it is July and here we are in the thick of summer. Last night I tried to resurrect our little inflatable pool. It served us well last summer and even a few weeks into this one but last night it gave up the ghost. No more little summer pool.

SO I did what any cool mom would do, I bought us a new summer pool-new and improved summer pool. Here she is:
Yup that is indeed a bench that you see and did you notice the cup holders on the side? If I could just hook up a TV out there, rig the cable and fill my cooler with drinks. . . ladies- get a babysitter cuz summer has officially begun!
Oh but I will be sure to fill the pool myself since Kirsten thought it wold be a good idea to add soap as it was filling. I mean who doesn't want a gigantic bubble pool?


Watsonville said...

Oh my gosh, we can't wait to play in your new pool. Walker wants to do a cannon ball off the railings, Abby wants to lay out to get a tan and I want to see them all having a good time! You just need pool signs..."There's no "pee" in our _ool" or "don't pee in our pool cuz we don't swim in your toilet". "No life guard on duty" the fun goes on! See you soon!

Brooke said...

tell kirsten to scoot over because i'm there. for the bubble bath.

Laurel said...

I can't stand how much I love that pool. Who are you?!? between this and your ridiculously amazing cooking skills....what a mom!

the New Mom said...

Wow......Why haven't I heard about this sooner. All I ever wanted was one of those above ground, blue pools.....I think something about the built in bench in the photo of your pool tugged at my heart strings. Now.....don't get me wrong (so simmer down Holly!) it's not the "Tan Dazzeler" but it's pretty cool. I'll be over for pool time soon sugar!