Saturday, July 12, 2008


Jim took Anna to the Journey/Cheap Trick/ Heart concert last night. Kirsten was feeling a bit left out so she and I planned a girls party for her. She invited all of the girls in the neighborhood who were her age and she made invitations that said "You are invited to a slip-n-slide party!"
She was so excited and so were all of her friends. Slip-n-slide, new cool pool, hot dogs and then a movie afterwards-pretty perfect huh? That's what I thought too until I found out that the Target, Walmart and K-mart all happened to be out of slip-n-slides.
So I went old school and made a slip-n-slide the way it was done in "da hood"=Sandy, Utah. We used plastic sheeting found in the garage and tent stakes to secure it to the ground. We ran sprinklers along the side of it and put dish soap all over it for maximum slide-ability.
The party was awesome and the home made slip-n-slide, a total hit! Next week I might even build a soap-box car for the kids and tell them race it down a really big hill.


Ally said...

you are hilarious! and i love the home made slip-n-slide! the little girl i babysit has one in her back yard!!! just a huge white plastic tarp... puts the toy house with a slide on it, puts the hose at top...water runs down and bam! she is happy for hours! you are great!!

Watsonville said...

Way to live it up! Looks like quite a party at the coolest house in the neighborhood! I'm just glad you're back to blogging so we can all experience the joy that dwells in Draper!

Brooke said...

you're the best. way to work it out, girl!

Jill said...'re still mom of the year over there. I'm taking notes...but really this comment is to tell you THANKS for the awesome rock on moment when I clicked on your blog and heard Journey. Took me right back to going to their concert when I was 17 with the boy I was majorly CRUSHING on.

He's a druggy things have a way of working out. But I still LOVE journey...and sadly, Tony just doesn't get it. Woe is me.