Friday, July 11, 2008


just when I didn't think life could get any did! Today's date is 7-11 and so guess who is giving out FREE Slurpees all day long?! That's right, the 7-11. I would like to thank Addie Cragun a little neighborhood girl for telling me and then begging me to take her and Kirsten. We were out running errands and she shouted from the back of the burb: "Hey today is free slurpees at the 7-11. Let's go get one, who's with me?!" I laughed and thought "well I am the coloest mom- so I think I'll oblige her. The 7-11 is on our way home- what will it hurt?"
So we got there and saw an unusually high volume of people walking out with slurpees. hmmmm We walked inside and I went up to the man sporting a red smock, pierced ears and a long pony-tail. I asked in a "this probably isn't true but. . ." tone: "is it true you are giving out free slurpess today?" He replied "yup, all day long". You would have thought I was 10 years old and I had just ridden my bike to the SEV with my pockets full of all the spare change I could find in the station wagon risking my life to cross the busy road all in the hopes that this rumor was true.
I yelped "Really? Oh my gosh I can't believe it. I love this place! I love slurpees! It makes me proud to be an Amiercan I almost want to break out in song! Girls, this is what it means to be an American!"
What made it even better was that they had my two favorite flavors: pina colada and banana. We got our slurpees and basked in the knowledge that 7-11 comes again next year and we will for sure be taking advantage of our inalienable rights to a free slurpee!!!!!


Watsonville said...

I wish I lived in your neighborhood so that you would take me to the "Sev" for a slupree. Did you recite your slurpee poem to them as you drank it? I guess a little inappropriate for young ears but a good one none the less!

Jill said...

You win for cool mom of the year. I need some lessons.

Ashlie and Tony said...

A little birdie named Ally...who also happens to be my little sister...said I should check out your blog just to read about the slurpees. Perhaps she thought I would discover I am not alone in my unabashed love of slurpees.
You are definitely the coolest mom for taking the girls to get slurpees, and enjoying one yourself. I am just sad I didn't read the post earlier...I missed out on free slurpee day. But like you, I look forward to 7/11 in the years to come. (And I just might go pay for one today!)

Your blog is so fun! I love hearing about all of the highlights of U-Hall. :o) I cannot believe how big Anna and Kirsten are getting!! And Lilly is such a cutie!! I am new to this blog thing, but I am loving it just to see how everyone is doing.