Friday, October 23, 2009

Winco~ Win-NO!

Well not exactly. They did manage to lure me into their store...twice in one day. Nixon must be back in office cuz I haven't seen prices like these since the early 70's!

1.28 for a loaf of bread

.98 for a box of fruit snacks

.68 for a 10 lb bag of Idaho potatoes

Chicken for .98 a LB

I got the kids off to school and breaknecked it to the Winco. It was a nice adventure and I had a pleasant experience. SO pleasant in fact that I found myself there again tonight at 11:00 p.m. (to avoid the crowds) and I'll be darned if every family/parent didn't have the same idea. It was busier than Costco on Christmas eve!

Now, thankfully there's no waiting for a parking stall-OH there are plenty of those, to many to be exact (A shuttle bus would have been nice since I was winded walking to and from my car)

But forget about getting a cart. Don't make the mistake of getting ALL the way from your car to the store only to find that there aren't any carts. You have to wait in the parking lot for someone to be done with theirs and then make a mad dash for the cart before someone else does. I actually helped unload the old man's cart just to speed up the process. But what's he doing with all those Capri Suns?

The store is HUGE and they have quite a selection. They actually had a bulk food section. They are bringing BULKY back. :) Which is exactly what it did to my not so small and petite frame (cir. 1985) every time my friends and I decided to try out all of the candies before deciding what to buy (that's not really stealing is it?)

SO, after gathering all of my goods and feeling awesome about the killer deals... I stood in line for about 20 minutes and what to my wandering eye's did appear? Nothing...I mean no one... I mean where's the hired help?

I then realized why I was getting such good deals and how they do it. . .

I have to bag my own groceries?

and where's the drive and load service?


and I then it hit me...

I am a total grocery shopping snob!

I love my Harmon's

and apparently I am willing to pay the price.

You may have had me at WINCO but my heart (and pampered lifetsyle) belongs to Harmon's
well at least until they have another killer sale. Then I'll take Jim and the kids-MY hired help!


Watsonville said...

Are you kidding me? That's Winco in Utah for you! I LOVE Winco. What usually costs us $170 at Albertsons will only cost us $80 there. I'm amazed on how much we can really save and it's great for food storage. I feel like I'm beating the system by getting the exact same food for so much cheaper. It's my wierd grociery oasis! Try again later.

The Whitmore's said...

I've never even heard of that store. Where is it? Is it new to Zion? Tam.......Harmon's is the grocer in your neighborhood! The people that you know and love! Stick with what you know and love......unless of course they gots sum'n real real good dills there!