Friday, May 31, 2013


A few days ago Kirsten received a D- on a rather lengthy assignment.
We were stunned.
Not only for the D- but because it was given to her by her reading teacher who is supposed to "get it" and be her advocate for success.
I looked it over and it seemed like at the very least B- work. She completed the assignment. All the work was there. I was dumbfounded.
I encouraged Kirsten to ask her teacher what she could do to bring up her grade. Kirsten was told she must re-do the vocabulary words and write correct definitions.
I looked back over the assignment and much to my wondering eyes did appear but 20 "kirsten-isms". She decided that rather than use a dictionary she would just write her own definitions.

Here are 2:

Too bad she wasn't graded on creativity.


Nancee said...

Technically both definitions are correct!

Jam said...

I agree- I just wish her snaggle toothed teacher agreed! UGH

Nancee said...

She clearly knows what the words mean. Why penalize her for not copying definitions out of a dictionary ... SIGH. Some teachers & their lack of imagination.