Friday, March 14, 2008

"Patches, we don't need no stink'n patches"

Well as some of you know I was once a girl scout. It didn't last for long since I was kicked out due to the 1981 cookie scandal. Some of you probably heard about it where the "Brownie" out sells all the other "Brownies" and basks in the glory and then decided to out eat all those bandalo-brown knee high-romper-gay hat-pseudo perm fro-wearing prepubescent girls, by ever so carefully opening the bottoms of MANY boxes, eating the cookies, and cleverly sealing them back shut. Her plan was foiled when she delivered those empty boxes to the poor suckers who trusted that fat little "Brownie" to begin with.

The only reason she joined the Girl Scouts of America was for that treat bucket every Friday. Not only did she get caught but there was a meeting held with the Utah Chapter President, the "Fat Brownie's" troop leader, and her "I'm so ashamed and embarrassed by you" mother. Needless to say she got kicked out and blacklisted from every other young girls team building emotional supporting organization in the valley.

She tried to sneak into the 4-H meetings (went to 3 of them) but soon was discovered and quickly yanked out by her mom and some of the 4-H girls who knew her from Girl Scouts.

But don't worry, this albatross which hung around her neck for so many years has not tainted her love of the cookie. I am happy to report that every spring she still gets a hanker'n for the Thin Mint and the Samoa. Why just tonight as she ran into the grocery store for some quick items, she actually took longer than expected due to the Girl Scouts selling cookies on the way out. Needless to say, she may or may not have grabbed 3 boxes- and that's just the start. But how could she not? Those little pixie-pony tail wearing "Brownies" with their card table and crude adding machine (pen and paper) and stacks of colorful cookie boxes are just too irresistible.
She holds no grudges against the GSA and hopes that her daughters may too find the joy that comes from a Girl Scout Cookie.

Looks like her youngest is on the right track. Let's just hope that her love of the cookie does not become an obsession/felony.


Nancee said...

Are your previous seminary students, several of whom are now my Sunday School students, aware of your nefarious GS cookie fraud? Because if not, they will be by tomorrow . . .

Laurel said...

this story will never not be funny!

Brooke said...

seriously. funniest story ever. i even thought of you when i drove past the park today and saw the girl scouts out there selling cookies... WENT ALL THE WAY HOME to get a $20 and then drove back to spend ALL of it.

yum. i think my box of samoas is pretty much gone.

Teri said...

I think you are the funniest person ever and I love hearing all of your funny stories.

Tami said...

A girl after my own heart.

Anonymous said...

Hooray, Tami has a blog!! laugh out loud funny story!

rachel said...

I was directed to your blog through Laurel's sweet story about your Lilly.

What a great post! Having experience as a former Brownie and Brownie Leader, I appreciated every word I just read.

Thanks for letting me peek into your life via your blog.