Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yup it' still there: the two headed lamb at the Daughter of the Utah Pioneers Museum. Today we went to the museum and saw a lot of great stuff, non of which could out do Mary's Little Lambs-still a freak fest after all these years. As a kid I remember it being a monster, a huge flesh eating blood sucking beast. I was REALLY looking forward to freaking the girls out and when we got there my excitement and anticipation quickly waned. It's so cute you almost want to pet it. The girls thought so too.
As much cool stuff as there was to see, Anna was more taken with the Mood Rings at the gift shop and Kirsten couldn't stop eyeing the Laffy Taffy. Oh well at least I got them with the Horehound "candy"-ewwwwww! :)


Watsonville said...

Did they have anything made out of butter? Hair perhaps?

Laurel said...

i feel like I've really missed out on what Utah has to offer.

Never seen the "two-headed" lamb. Horehound candy on the other hand.

I love that I can see you all excited to freak out the girls and they just wanted to pet the freaky thing.

THAT is classic.

Anonymous said...

you are the best mom ever. i can't believe all the activities you have planned. i recall being pushed out the door to play by my mother day after day during the summer with one visit to a museum and that was it. kudos to you (since laurel didn't give you enough in her post) :)

Amanda said...

yay another family blogger!! i just love this little world of connections.

this is celeste's daughter amanda, bye the way...just incase you are wonder...WHO THE?

your family is so cute! :)

Nancee said...

Ok, I don't think that thing is cute, and I love almost every animal anywhere in the world!!