Monday, June 1, 2009


How cute are these kids?! So in a vain attempt to loosing the baby weight I have started walking to Jodi's (michelle's sister/my adopted sister in law) house three days a week. Jodi then goes running while Lilly puts in some "play with kids my own age and not boring old mom" time. Here they are saying cheese-Mira, Boyd and Rulon Butterfield with my two.
Oh and today at Sophia's 2 month check up she is once again off the charts for height-here's proof: the baby next to her is only 6 weeks younger.


Watsonville said...

What cute kids. I wouldn't worry about Sophie, 6 weeks is a big difference in baby time. She's just beautiful!

Your Soul Sister said...

What an adorable picture. I love it! And you are such a godsend to come and give me a break!

I Love the adopted sister-in-law bit. What better way to explain it - oh, I know, how about Soul Sisters?

Nancee said...

One of my all time favorite photos ...