Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pet Peeve

Definition: A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it. Examples may be poor table manners, sloppy kitchen hygiene, smoking, grammatical errors in written passages, inconsiderate driving or lazy co-workers, and loud gum smacking.

I officially have a Pet Peeve.

I've never really had one before.

When people used to ask me I would say: "People who water their lawn when it's rainin" (just to be silly)

Today I can say with absolute confidence that not only do I have a pet peeve, but this will always and forever remain my one and only pet peeve:

People who clip their finger nails during sacrament meeting.

I mean seriously-where are the fingernails going?
And it's usually some old man in the back who has the clippers attached to his key chain.
And he's probably bored (like the rest of us) and figures it's as good a time as any-
And the sound echo's nicely throughout the chapel with those fabulous acoustics
And heaven forbid he take care of it during the week in the privacy of his own home

But really, if a pet peeve is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it, - so it's just me then huh?


Holly said...

CARY, every Sunday, no lie!

jdiggity said...

What is shocking to me, is that the nail clipper is not a random occurrence at an LDS ward - there is at least one in EVERY ward!! It's not just you...

flood said...

it ain't just you, buddy! of course, my list of peeves could choke a number of horses, sooooo…………