Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zing Zang Zoom!

The circus is on town! So in celebration we (Brown and I) took the kids down to the Gateway for the annual Circus Parade/elephant walk. It was the coolest! Here are a few shots of the event:

Free Rubber Noses for all who attended

The beginning:
Oh how I envied those flashy bedazzled unitards.
I did some research:
you can actually home school your kids should
the family become a part of the troup. Carnie for a year... hmmmm

The elephant walk

The unsung hero's of the event
(yup you see right, wheel barrows and shovels following the elephants)
The end

And that's exactly how long the parade was. In fact it took me longer to down load these photos and BLOG about it than it did to sit/stand through the parade. But totally worth it and a fun tradition. My favorite part: lunch after wards! Thanks Brown for the good times and for exposing me to the "Greatest Show on EARTH!"

1 comment:

Grandma Ann said...

Oh how fun! You do the neatest things with your kids.