Sunday, November 22, 2009

no candy at church

As Kirsten was getting her scripture bag ready for church today, Jim told her that she was not allowed to bring any candy to church.

After the Sacrament had been passed and the speakers announced, Kirsten got into her bag and pulled out. . . a Slim Jim. She had packed three.

True Story


Uzi said...

Haa ha haa, oh my gosh, she is freak'n hilarious!

Watsonville said...

Yum! Wish I would have thought of that! Way to beat the system!

Jill said...

tell kirsten she can sit with us. we always bring candy...i know of no other way to keep all four of them quiet...the fourth being Tony. Baby Blake is too young for candy...but every now and then I'm tempted to slip him a tootsie pop.

Laurel said...

it's too bad you can't bottle kirsten up and sell her.

seriously...she'd sell like hot cakes.

Slim jims.
THAT is classic.