Thursday, April 3, 2008

april's fool

April Fools just came and went this year and regretfully I do not have anything to tell. Sadly enough this year pales in comparison to the many other years: '89 when a late night call convinced my father that I was in Jail, '92 when the bank manager in Idaho called to tell my dad I had written over $2,000 in bad checks, '96 when I secretly sent my sister flowers from a guy that used to stalk her, '02 telling my parents I had a boyfriend (clearly the joke was on me!) '03 telling the folks I was pregnant (again, joke on me).
This year the best I could do was fake out Jim and the girls by telling them that grandma Ann called and is unexpectedly coming for the weekend with something she needs to talk to us about. Admittedly not my best but the girls did a pretty good job.
Kirsten came in from school acting really sad and said "Today I got a think time (timeout for troublemakers) at school. You have to call the principal for a meeting with her." hahaha
Anna had an idea for next year "I know! Next year I'm gonna have Tyler come and arrest me and put me in handcuffs at school and pretend he is taking me away to JUVI!"
Now that was funny-Juvi? How she ever learned what Juvi is, is beyond me.
But maybe the best April Fools Joke yet was from God that morning: Me holding a baby while my husband videotaped my 12 year old's school report on Maine with my 10 year old running back and forth asking if her sister needed any help and being 3 days late on my period. :)


Jill said...

Are you trying to tell us something here Tami?

Mel-o-drama said...

Talk about 6 degrees of separation - you were Tammy when I knew you back in the days of Silver Mesa. I've been reintroduced to you a few years ago through my sis-in-law Jodie (who from what I gather was very busy in her introductions of you at that time!?!?) and now through the blog world from Tami (a family friend I have known since my early childhood in Idaho).

How fun to catch you again! Send me a note, melselcho (at) gmail (dot) com or find me by the same name at blogger.

Natalie said...

I'm confused this an official announcement?