Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm the kind of mom who. . .

Some how manages to get a gummy fruit chew stuck to her bottom on her way out for the day (without noticing)

And then sits on a heated seat for 45 minutes while driving her car on her way to performing an amazingly charitable act of service

And doesn't notice it until she is driving home

so she pulls over to see what is going on and as she turns to look, said bottom hits the steering wheel and manages to get it all over that too

So she put a paper napkin between her and the seat

(Just a few pieces left that I couldn't un-stick)

which becomes really stuck to both

and now has made a complete mess of both car seat and jeans

and doesn't have an extra pair of pants to change in to :)

(WARNING: Object in picture appears much larger than it actually is! sheesh! No wonder I had a gummy stuck to it- I'm surprised I didn't find the cat and a stray sock there too! )

I'm the kind of mom who hopefully looks like the kind of mom that has kids and is met with an occasional gummy snack mis-hap. (The kind of mom I prayed for so many years to be.) Gotta love it!


Watsonville said...

I can't believe you wasted a good gummy fruit chew. I'm the kind of mom who would have pulled it off my two seats and said "Score! Hope the kids don't expect me to share this secret find!"

Laurel said...

love it is right.