Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Truly Inspired

I decided to take the girls to a museum today since they were out of school.

Anna informed me that she HAD to go to dance practice at her friends house (they are trying out for the Jr High talent show-heaven help em!)

So it was Kirsten and I with the babies

We had a fun time, the museum was nice and the art beautiful but I was most inspired by the conversation I had with Kirsten on our way there

At one point (and I'm not even sure how the conversation found it's way to this point) we were talking about God and Kirsten simply said:

It's like a big circle cut in half. One side is God and the other side is you. He does his half and you have to do yours if you want His help and answers to your prayers. Like the time I found my glitterball. Which I don't even play with anymore-0nly just Lilly does. But I prayed to find that ball and God told me where to look and I looked and found it. We both did our parts."

I asked her where she learned that analogy. She replied "Ummm, I was was born with it". I asked again if someone taught it to her at church or something and she said "no, I've always known it."

And that was that. The rest of our outing was typical: singing at the tops of our lungs, finding the pacifier for Sophia, eating fries at Mcdonald's, trying to decipher Lilly's sentences and just talking about stuff.

I'm glad we went to the museum today- it's rare that I have the opportunity to bask in the magnificence and brilliance of such talent.

Or is it? :)


Laurel said...



Grandma Ann said...

What a very special spirit. I am so proud of her.