Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are your ready to RRRRRUMBLE??

Ladies and Gentlemen today we are going to witness the most anticipated match in Garbage Day History. With the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world~

In the Blue Corner wearing Eddie Bauer Jeans and a Discover Card t-shirt hailing from Piedmont California, weighing in at a svelte 2?? lbs . . .
James "The Walrus" Hall!

And in the Red corner wearing denim overalls and a not so white t-shirt hailing from Kearns Utah and weighing in at a stout 3?? lbs . . .
Stan the Garbage Man!

Are you RRRRRRRRRRRRReady to Rumble?

8:00 a.m. All is well and both are still in the fight
8:45 a.m. Garbage man enters neighborhood unawares to the cunning prowess of "the Walrus"
9:00 a.m. Garbage man makes it to 1052 East 13110 South

He slowly approaches the cans. . .

The automated arm takes hold of the green can-lifts it up and empty's it of it's contents and throws it back to the ground

The arm then approaches the brown can...wait -there seems to be some hesitation....

What is happening? Have the contents been detected? Stan sneers and then wipes his nose using his sleeve. He shifts to the left looking as if he is about to open his door

OOOHHHHH The walrus may not have been adroit enough this time

Wait, what is this? Stan stays in the truck and the arm then lifts the Brown can emptying its contents.

The lid opens and cascading out is a waterfall of pine needles and bark. The arm replaces the can and Stan is headed for the next house

Ladies and Gentlemen HE HAS DONE IT!!!!! James "The Walrus" Hall has defeated Stan the Garbage Man this year-Unbelievable! His calculated efforts have not been in vain-he has WON! Going Undefeated this year brings on not only a new title for "The Walrus" but a renewed quest for March of 2010.


The empty trash can
(His wife would like to thank all those who's thoughts and prayers were with them all week - sparing them the embarrassment of Kitty Litter and Honey!)


Watsonville said...

We are so proud of the Walrus! Way to outsmart the garbage man! Now if only there were a way for them to get the hard gum off the bottom of the can that seems to stay there for about 11 months. Odd thing is, nobody here chews that much gum!

NICKI said...

Thanks Tam for not forgetting to give an update... sadly enough I have been waiting all week to hear about the garbage man. You are a fantastic story teller. Thanks for the laugh!

Laurel said...

i can't stand how much i love this.

Ashlie and Tony said...

Another one bites the dust!!! Yay for the defeat of Stan the Garbage Man!