Saturday, March 21, 2009


We went to the movies tonight and enjoyed one of our last Date nights for at least a few weeks. Nothing brings a smile to my face more than the Mega-Deal: large (refillable) popcorn with butter and a large "half and half" all to myself companioned with Milk Duds and frozen Jr Mints Ahhhh - In fact I am smiling right now as I type these words.

Those of you who know me well know that is doesn't take much to entertain me- I'm a simpleton really- as long as I am not answering a question, fixing a meal or wiping a butt I am completely satisfied which is why I love movies. I will see just about anything regardless of the reviews and the odds are: the worse the review the more I like it.

So we went to see KNOWING tonight-with that concept in mind.

And now I stand corrected- there was actually a good reason for the bad review. Where do I begin? The only thing worth KNOWING is don't go see the movie-Ok so it was entertaining up until the end and then the lat 15 minutes had me asking "What the H? Really? Huh?" I felt like I was watching another M. Night Shyamalan movie- "Unbreakable"=Unbearable! I could have gotten more entertainment from watching Lilly chew a stick of care-free gum (which by the way is actually quite entertaining)

I realize some people may not agree and I actually read a few rave reviews. So, consider the source of this review: mother of 3 soon to be 4, 40 weeks pregnant, blotched with stretch marks, ladened with her own weight, ready to give birth at any given moment, seeking respite from this storm of life and solace in a few old friends: popcorn, coke, candy and a movie only to be slightly disappointed by (spoiler alert) a movie ending with Aliens??!!!!


Holly said...

We saw the 7:50 showing at The dISTRICT. I almost had a heart-attack. I kind of hated it, but was bawling my eyes out.

Watsonville said...

Ya' those were my same thoughts after watching the last Indiana Jones. Aliens? Really? What a waste of time! Glad you were able to get a good night out before the little one comes!