Monday, March 9, 2009

confessions of a 38 week pregnant woman

Here are a few of my thoughts as of late:

Tip Jars

These things are everywhere. It seems like every store I go into has a Tip Jar on the counter beckoning my spare change or at times guilting me into an undeserved tip and then I feel like a real jerk when I don't leave a thing- not even a nickle of the subway. So last week when I found myself buying cupcakes at the new Diva's Cupcakes in Salt Lake. They rang me up told me how much I owed for 4 average sized cupcakes, and after paying what would be comparable to a car payment, there sat a tip jar. REALLY? Every mom with grade school children in the tri-state area knows exactly how much cup cakes cost to make and yet somehow YOUR cupcakes warrant my monthly allotted budget for food and you want me to give you a tip? Here's a tip, either you lower your prices or offer to come and wash my dishes with each cupcake that then would warrant a tip!


Last night Jim went to pick up a prescription. Part of Walgreen's creed is as follows:

We believe that we can get what we go after, and that we are not down and out until we have lost faith in ourselves.

We believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in cheer, in friendship, and in honest competition.

After Jim left I had a sudden craving for Grape Bubblegum so I called the pharmacist and explained my plight: 38 weeks pregnant, serious craving, kankles, extreme exhaustion etc., can't get a hold of my husband and would do anything shy of killing a man for some grape gum. I asked if he would PLEASE get a pack and sell it to Jim when he drove up to pay for his prescription. NOPE! DENIED! Apparently they aren't allowed to sell over-the-counter items behind the counter. Jim could however go into the store and buy the pack of gum with his prescription from the pharmacists. I guess there is some Walgreen's rule prohibiting that little magic drawer at the drive-thru that reaches from the store to your car to hold anything other than meds. Hey Walgreen's add this to your "Creed" : We believe in doing all we can to add to the anguish of a pregnant woman and in doing nothing to alleviate her pain.

Draper Map

And lastly, I would like to thank the people who's efforts were in vain as they set out to send every household in Draper a "Draper Map" that no one can use or read. Well done however on the amazing advertising of the map. I am quite sure every company paid a pretty penny to have their names on a useless map that will only find it's way into our trash cans. I can say this because I have what some people would call the Gift of Interpretation of Maps -I'm good, real good! and this my friends is no map. It is merely an computerized aerial shot of Draper with little lines representing every street in the city and to the side of the "map" every street name with it's coordinates i.e. B3 or A7. The only luck you are going to find with any those coordinates would be in a game of Battleship! And someone needs to sink this Battleship!

Man I need to have this baby! And SOON!!!!!


Watsonville said...

I agree with the tip jar. Who gets these said "tips"? Aren't they getting paid to work there so where do the tips come in? They are getting paid by the owner to scoop my ice cream neatly on the cone, why would I tip them as well? Unless they were doing it on a unicycle while blindfolded with a dancing poodle on their lap. I love your random thoughts. At 38 weeks I'm just glad they're not thoughts of suicide!

Brooke said...

for real: there was a hearty LOL over here at that bit about the tip jar.

Anonymous said...

Oh Tam, may I please see you pregnant one more time. This can't end. It is far to good. I love mean, angry, bitter, Tam. Really I do. I loved the tip jar story as well. You forgot to mention that the cupcakes aren't even good. HELLO! Lots of love to you. However, I am secretly hoping your doctor makes you go until next week. That means a few more good laughs for me.!!!!